Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dealer's Choice pitch

This story is about two aliens who have an interest and studies the ways and lives of humans. The first one, Cole and his friend Noki. Each of the two have special abilities as well. Cole has telekinesis and a genius IQ, but is arrogant and thinks his more superior due to his intellect, but has a major curiosity to humans and wants to learn as much about them as he can. He's mostly interested in studying humans themselves and how their bodies work as well as their personalities and emotions.
Noki has teleportation abilities and is more curious about how humans live and the objects, gadgets and tools they use. Her curiosity leads her to sometimes sneak onto earth and slip into houses, offices or other buildings and snatch away things, such as electronics, accessories and even small objects and considers it easy since she can teleport and claims she'll never be caught despite Cole's demands that she doesn't continue slipping onto Earth fearing that their existence will be discovered.
Cole gets really worried when finally people on Earth begin to notice that many of their things begin disappearing more and more often since Noki has been going to Earth to gather more objects from there more often than usual. Cole, greatly annoyed, goes after her one night when she makes another attempt to pick up some things in order to stop her. But she ends up almost caught and the two narrowly escape. But Noki continues to come to earth and finally ends up caught despite Cole's warnings. Cole doesn't know what to do, but he does know he needs to think of a way to help her in some way or another.


  1. I like the idea for this film-especially Noki's fascination with objects from earth. What kind of objects does she take? These objects, to Noki, are probably nothing more than something like seashells that an inlander would pick up on a trip to the beach-they are of no relevance or use, just attractive. What if Noki took big things and random, unimportant things...like, shower curtains, shelves but not the things on the shelves, chords but not the electronics, lightbulbs, bread bags, but not the bread...etc...
    There are a ton of things to explore. How big is Noki in comparison to people? Her size would most likely be coupled with the type of objects she values and is attracted to. What does she look like and how old is she?
    Also, the plot could stand to be thickened. The ending is abrupt, but believable... I just think there needs to be more action and plot development.
    Overall, your idea is good and the subject is engaging. I think it's clever, and not absurdly over the top. You can definitely accomplish this if it is chosen by the class.

  2. It sounds like it'll be a fun piece. But my concerns are somewhat the same as to what objects they will be stealing and where will this be taking place. Also will there be any use of Cole's telekinesis and/or high IQ when it comes to the things that they steals. Maybe have him picking the locks to different people's lockers in the school or to the doors in the dorms; depending on what you choose for your location


  3. Not sure about how this will work- what will the robots look like? Human-like? Actual robot-like? This also sounds like it would be a long series of short films, not just one film. However the storyline and plot itself are classic and very endearing. Make sure you don't steer into Wall-E territory; avoid the similarities. You have a lot to convey with your piece, I might shorten and condense it or just keep the details for this film.

  4. My main question is how do you plan to make any of this work in reality? There is no clear description of the production of this film. I'd like to know why aliens? Overall it was just kind of difficult to follow your idea because it was hard to read at times. Definitely making it clearer will help us to understand things

  5. It feels like you're describing the settings for a story more than you are laying out the groundwork for a film. Most of what's said about the aliens seems to be background and character information that can't be shown unless you plan on flooding the video with exposition. Also, why aliens? Why not a kleptomaniac and her brother who tries to keep her out of trouble?

  6. I love the aliens idea but like everyone else, except Kaitlyn(Robots? What?)I would like a better description of the physical set up. What do these aliens look like and how will you create them? I also like Noki and think that Cole should come in at the end and bale him out, big brother style. But if Noki can teleport how does he get caught? More details would be good. Maybe just focus on Noki.
