Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Dealer's pitch idea

(This idea was originally an animation idea.)
I had the idea of Cole and Noki being humanoid-like aliens. When the pair of friends come across Earth, the two of them become curious of everything about it. Cole mostly is interested humans, but thinks that while Earth is interesting, he thinks it's dangerous and therefore studies humans from outside of Earth through scans and videos he records, While Noki is even more curious of the two and travels to Earth as much as she can with her teleporting ability and a machine designed by Cole to assume a more human like appearance. She soon starts taking anything she can get her hands on from toys, to electronics, to even garbage. She would even explore the inside of homes and doesn't think she'll be caught since she knows she can just teleport away. Cole tries to steer her away from her trips to Earth and often drags her back out of Earth out of fear that his friend was putting herself in danger.
Finally Noki goes as far as trying to swipe appliances from homes, her first attempt being a fridge, but ends up caught by the man living in the house who actually turns out to be an officer who uses his stun gun to stop her, but after it strikes her, she teleports away. While the gun didn't kill her, it does weaken her teleportation and she can't return to Cole or their ship in Space and ends up lost and wandering around the area of a city and can't even get in touch with Cole. Meanwhile Cole waits for Noki to return, but after a long time he gets worried and tries to find her by computer and can't find her. He wants to go to Earth to find her, but is afraid of what the planet and the people will be like and how he'd find her and has to decide to face his fear.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your revisions that you have made from your original idea. It seems like you really took the comments into consideration. I'm worried how you are going to do so much technology and futuristic related things with our limited experience in film editing. How are you going to get the girl to teleport? Or make it look like she teleported...
